November – The Big Purge!

I am delighted to join Kristin from “Kristin’s Chaotic Life” and Heidi from “Heidi Sonboul” for a pre-holiday decluttering session.

FREE printable here >>>  CLICK!

I will be following along with Kristin and Heidi as we purge our clutter and get our homes clean and tidy for the holiday season.  My hubby and I have been getting rid of bags and bags of stuff throughout October, so this is a continuation of our efforts.  To be fair, all of our time has gone to cleaning out the basement, so we don’t have a lot to show for our work.  The Big Purge is just what I need to transform our living spaces, too.

If you would like to join in, visit the YouTube channels, grab your free printable, and comment on this post.

Happy November!


Teacup Tuesday: Planning 2015

Hello, friends.

If you are a fellow cold-weather dweller, I hope that you are finding nice ways to keep yourself warm and well.  If you are in a more temperate climate, well…I don’t know if we can be friends anymore.  Kidding, kidding!  All are welcome at Warm as Pie.  (Just don’t tell me that 40 degrees is cold, okay?)  Speaking of staying warm, this morning I enjoyed a big cup of Lipton’s Vanilla Caramel Black Tea.  Let me just say YUMMY.  I used a little of Trader Joe’s Organic Blue Agave sweetener and my newest teacup–a gigantic clear cup.  This cup makes every sip seem like a special treat.  I love it, and I loved the price:  $2.99 at Target.  Next, I would love to get a clear teapot to match, but that will have to wait.


I simply love this time of year.  The start of the new year feels exciting and promising and very motivating.  My sister teases me for making a hundred resolutions each January.  I’m actually taking a different approach this year.  I’m dividing “resolutions” from “goals,” and I am really excited to share some of them with  you.  I’m defining resolutions as overarching intentions without firm deadlines or boundaries. Goals are narrow, defined plans with specific steps. So here goes…

Resolution #1: Be more fun! I’ve been in a major funk of trying to “do things right.” I’ve forgotten how to just be and DO fun.

Resolution #2: Send more snail mail. I love to send and receive mail. I bet others do to!

Goal #1: I’m declaring 2015 to be THE YEAR OF CLEAN. I am working toward starting next January with a cleaner, more organized, well run home. I have a list of mini-goals for each month, and I am trying hard to not expect a quick fix.  I have a whole year to reach this goal step by step.  Although I have always been very organized in my student/professional life, I have struggled with organization my whole life.  I can remember spending hours in my room, trying hard to clean it–but instead I was looking at old photos and ancient school papers, reminiscing instead of truly cleaning.  Now, I have four little people who can be excellent picker-uppers, but they are equally skilled at making messes.  This year, we are getting our act together.

Goal #2: I will return to playing the violin. This is in line with my fun resolution. I am going to begin by practicing every day, even if it is only for 10 minutes. I plan to increase this time through the year.  Last month, I bought new strings and fine tuners.  I had my bow re-haired, and I am really enjoying my music-making…even if it is a bit (okay, a lot) squeaky.

Goal #3: I will work on the DONA (Doulas of North America) reading list, and I will register for a doula certification workshop) through a recognized certification agency (TBD).  THIS needs a post of its own!  Here is the short version.  Shortly after Charlotte was born in the summer of 2011, I started thinking about becoming a birth doula (professional labor support person).  Then I met some lovely doulas in Florida.  Hi, Emily!  Hi, Elizabeth!  I learned a lot from them.  Although we didn’t spend a lot of time talking about doula business, I admired them and their work.   I’m still not certain how or when a doula business will fit into my family life, but on my birthday in 2014, I made a promise to myself to pursue certification in earnest.

Goal #4: I will take my blog seriously!  You will hear a lot more from me in 2015.  I love this blog, and although life is hectic, I am committed to this little spot on the web.

Leave me a comment.  What tea are you drinking?  Do you have goals for 2015?

Warmly, Erica G.


Hi, Readers.

I haven’t been writing on the blog for a couple weeks, but I’ve been writing.  Oh yes, I have!  I’m participating in National Novel Writing Month, also known as NANOWRIMO.  The goal is to write 50,000 words between November 1 and November 30.  I’m going to be completely honest with you.  I’m not going to make it to 50,000 words, and I never really thought that I would.  Okay, maybe for two minutes I thought I might actually meet the goal.  But deep down, I simply wanted to reestablish a writing routine.  In the ten years since I graduated with an MFA in creative writing, I have done very little creative writing.  I’ve written plenty of nonfiction, lots of research papers, pages and pages of student comments, but very few poems and stories.  I’ve missed it, and NANOWRIMO seemed like a good chance to jump back onto that particular horse.  Even better, I actually had a story idea that has been floating around in my imagination for awhile.

November is half over, and the big “win” isn’t likely to happen.  I’m pretty sure that I would have to hand my children over to somebody and run away to a cabin in Maine to reach 50,000 words at this point.  Strike that.  I would have to move somewhere without snow because I would need someone to deliver prepared meals to me so that I would not need to leave my computer keyboard in order to feed myself.

Nonetheless, I do not regret participating in NANOWRIMO.  In fact, I’m very excited.  I’m still writing, and I plan on signing up for Camp NANOWRIMO in July!  If you are interested in this nifty challenge, go on over to


Erica G.

Five Years and Counting


Dear Friendly Readers,

Five years ago, I began something new—a blog. I had created the blog’s title and web address several years before, but nothing happened. For a long time, my blog was nothing more than an empty resolution. Warm As Pie was like so many other unfulfilled promises of other good things that I wanted to do but never really did—like exercising, or flossing twice a day, or baking my own bread every week, or finally truly learning to speak French. It’s painful to say, but I’m actually quite used to not following through on my big ideas. I wasn’t too surprised to fail at blogging before I even tried.

On September 22, 2009, I decided to give the whole blog thing one honest effort. I had two primary reasons for wanting to bring Warm As Pie to life. First, I was an adjunct faculty member in the English department at a big, fancy university, and I was feeling like a fraud. I was teaching writing, but I wasn’t doing any writing. In 2004, I had completed an MFA (master of fine arts degree) in creative writing, but once my thesis was approved, I rarely wrote pieces that weren’t related to the teaching of composition or the study of education. I simply wasn’t writing creatively anymore, yet I was teaching others to write and trying to convince them that writing could be a part of life. I wanted to “walk the walk” again—to live the writer’s life again.

Secondly, I wanted a pretty place to record and reflect upon the beautiful things that were happening in my life. I read Blogging for Bliss by Tara Frey*, and I was won over by all the “bliss” flowing out of that book. I had two little boys at the time—a 4 year old and a 1 year old—and I already knew the frantic, other-worldly pace at which they were growing and changing. I didn’t want to forget. I wanted to live slowly and purposefully. The commitment to writing about my life felt like a promise to live the life I wanted (and still want). Blogging makes me grateful.

I didn’t fail! I posted once. That was fun. I did it again and again and again. I became acquainted with a few other bloggers, and I loved the sense of community. A small band of readers—mostly real-life friends and family—welcomed my posts. People seemed to like what I was doing. They thanked me. They cheered me. They told me that my blog meant something to them. My readership is tiny, but those friends sure are loyal. Yes, Warm As Pie has slowed considerably after a couple of big moves and two more children and the beginning of our life as home-schoolers, but the pleasant comments and encouragement from readers keep me from putting this blog to its final rest. My two reasons for blogging remain true. I’m still teaching writing, and I want to continue in the practice of writing. I still want to record this abundant, beautiful life that God has given to me.

And so…I embark on my sixth year of Warm As Pie. I’ve decided to zoom in and focus on the kind of blogging that I love most: sharing how we grow together through words and images. I’m simplifying. I’m streamlining. All of the amazing possibilities of blogging has led me astray more than once, but I’m back to the basics. I will be making some fun changes in the next few weeks. I CANNOT wait to share a special little project that has been brewing for months. Eeeee! I’m excited!

If this is your first time here, welcome. You’ve come at a good time. If you’ve been with me awhile, thank you. Thank you for caring enough about me and my family to stop in from time to time.

Erica G.

*Blogging for Bliss now has many outdated references and resources.  A lot of the blogs featured in the book have moved or closed.  However, it is a gorgeous book with plenty of helpful information.  I picked up an excellent used copy on Amazon for ONE PENNY!  With shipping, I acquired a book that I love for $4.00.  Nice!